Heritage Statements & Statements of Significance
We are able to provide assessments to assess the significance of designated which includes listed buildings and Conservation Areas and non-designated heritage assets which includes locally listed buildings or buildings and the issue of setting. By assessing significance we are able to assist in informing proposals for change, alteration, appropriate repairs, changes of use, and new development. Conservation Area Appraisals We have been involved in the production of Conservation Area Appraisals and Designation Reports. As a result, we can assist Local Authorities in the review of conservation areas including townscape appraisals, and management plans. We produce a record of the area and its buildings as part of a change management exercise and to justify the introduction of Article 4 directions. Where involved in appeal cases related to sites or buildings, unlisted and listed in conservation areas, we have had to produce robust evidence setting out and defining the significance of a particular area. where the Heritage Environment Record is incomplete or non-existent. |
Listed Building Consents & Certificates of Lawfulness for Proposed for Work to Listed Buildings
With a strong appreciation of the historic environment, we can assist you in matters relating to listed buildings, buildings in conservation areas and heritage matters in sensitive locations. We can prepare appropriate plans to correctly demonstrate the changes proposed and to create design solutions that safeguard and make the best use of heritage assets without harming their significance. Advice is also provided on works that are defined as repairs and can produce specifications for works to historic buildings. Recently we have secured Listed Building Consents for the conversion of redundant C17th barns to residential use. We have also been engaged to work on a complex of mediaeval farm buildings that are under-utilised. Historic Farmsteads Assessments We provide assessments and interpretations of traditional farmsteads and buildings including the contribution they make to the landscape character and distinctiveness of an area. These assessments can assist in providing sustainable approaches to development, change and conversion in support of planning applications. |
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