Expert Witness
As Chartered Town Planners, full members of the Institute of Historic Buildings and Conservation (IHBC) and Urban Designers, we are well versed in preparing Proofs of Evidence and acting as an Expert Witness at Public Inquiries. Our experience includes including the impact of development on the significance and setting of listed buildings and other designated and non-designated heritage assets, gypsy/traveller sites, householder extensions; new residential developments, conversions and advising on enforcement matters including evidence gathering. We advise on early engagement to provide input into Statements of Case, Statements of Common Ground as well as liaison with the client and their appointed Barrister. Planning Law S106/LDC's/Enforcement Where planning applications require S106 Legal Agreements/Unilateral Undertakings, and are subject to CIL, the financial implications or requirements can jeopardise the successful delivery of scheme. We work with clients and the LPA to ensure that Heads of Terms are acceptable, monetary sums are legally justified and not just a notional whim and accord with the requirements of Government Circulars and the Community Infrastructure Levy. |
We also advice and act for clients on enforcement cases including retrospective works, lawfulness and works/alterations to listed buildings.
This can often involve performing the role of a mediator, forensically examining evidence and presenting a robust case. Compliance Checks Buying a Listed Property? Selling a Listed Building? Inherited alterations that may not have obtained Listed Building Consent? This service can assist you where your Estate Agent or Conveyancing Solicitor cannot and instigate pre-aquisition appraisals ore pre-sales compliance checks. Initial assessments are carried out of the building including searching through planning histories, inspecting documents against the building itself to ascertain the status of any changes and/or alterations.. The Consultancy will also liaise with the Local Planning Authority and their Conservation/Planning Officers to discuss the options available - retrospective, mitigation, reinstatement - through the formal Listed Building application processes. |
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